Chipolino Tricycle 2 in 1 Smarty, Red
- The toy is intended for children over 1 year of age weighing up to 25 kg.
- Can be used as tricycle or balance toy on wheels.
- Balance bike is kids’ bike without pedals that develops in a safe way coordination and feeling for speed, helps child to keep balance and security that comes from constant contact between child feet and the ground.
- Child learns to balance during bike riding, practicing different movements (turning left and right), and controlling the speed depending on the readiness level.
- Tricycle – it is intended to improve child’s basic skills related to coordination of hands and legs during riding tricycle or bicycle.
- Easily transform from tricycle to balance bike
- Adjustable front handle
- Quick release of pedals via red button located on front wheel
- Toy is equipped with smart place for storage of pedals under the seat, so they can be always available
- Rubber wheels
- Toy is offered in a beautiful gift box
- Toy is manufactured with high quality materials and in compliance with European standards for safety
Characteristics | |
Color | Red |
Chipolino Tricycle 2 in 1 Smarty, Red
- Brand: Chipolino
- Product Code: TRKSM0201RE
- Наличен
- 135.90 лв.
108.90 лв.